The best product reviews are the ones you get to eat. This is day nine, and it's soft, chocolatey, and sweet. Thanks to a bit of word-of-mouth on Tumblr, I got to sink my catbear teeth into something that soothes the inner chocolate monster within. It melts in your mouth, but it lingers on the tastebuds with a fusion of cookie, chocolate chips, and a Hostess-like brownie center. Ladies and gents, this is the splendor of the Chips Ahoy Brownie Cookie!
The only thing I hate about these cookies are the size. Why such a small cookie for such a great taste? Despite not being a great fan of Chips Ahoy cookies, I just had to try them. Holding the tiny cookie 'tween my catbear paws, I wished and wished they were a little bit bigger. Why? That brownie filling! This is a chewy, soft, airy brownie. It's sweet and smushed betwixt a layer of cookie and bittersweet-ish chocolate. It has the savory appeal of those yummy cookies we've all devoured from the malls of years past--those slightly greasy, soft, delectable delights that never quite made it to the milk.
Of course, the cookie part is your standard Chips Ahoy cookie. Nothing new there. However, if one were to spray a little whipped cream on top, or maybe crumble a few in some vanilla ice cream....ohhhh baaaaby! If the rest survive the weekend, maybe I'll toss a few in with a few scoops.
But I'm not the only one who tried the cookies out. Gotta share the wealth, you know? :)
- My grandmother-- "they're so good! They melt in your mouth!" She's pretty much "like Mikey", so, anything sweet will please her.
- Dad's girlfriend-- Pretty much gave it a thumbs up, and skipped off into the afternoon with three in her hand.
- Girlfriend's Grand-daughter--Is currently (it's 11:23 PM) chomping on one while watching Robot Chicken. Of course she liked it! It's chocolate within chocolate in a soft cookie. ;)
These cookies remind me of the kind of goodies my dad would throw into my lunchbox from time to time. The brownie part reminded me of a Hostess Ho-Ho, or one of those off-brand brownies that were the perfect balance of chewy and thick. The aftertaste of the two different chocolates was the best part. A teeny bit creamy and a lil bit savory. I'm glad I brought 'em home.For only $1.50 (Meijer's in Evergreen...whuuuuut!!), they soothe the catbear and silence the chocolate monster. I got to eat brownies and cookies in one bite. WIN!