Obligatory Post Advertising my Day of Birth

  Yaaay, it's my birthday! And that's probably all I will be saying today. This is a day of rest (I'm not much of a party creature. If you didn't know beforehand, I'm er...introverted and lame, lol.), overdosing on sugar and booze, and quietly crawling into bed to cuddle with Brian and my iPod Touch after....whatever the heck it is my dad is probably going to do for me. (*crossing fingers, hoping it's Navy Pier and Bubba Gump's, so she can blow the entire table away with all that Forrest Gump trivia she knows...) It would also be nice to be taken away by a very handsome person of choice, but, eh...I kinda need a love life or somebody crushing on me for that to happen. Har har.

  In any case, it's the big 2-8. I'm getting closer to thirty and still crossing my fingers, toes, eyes, and arms that the sexy lady time genes kick in. I mean, I got legs, but I barely know how to use them. Now, if someone out there loves me enough, they'll send me something from Sharri's Berries. Like this, this, or this. And if you reaaaaally love me, you'll go to Amazon and get me this, this, or this. (I'm an arrogant li'l thang, ain't I?)

  Or, a nice, short "Happy Birthday" will do. I like kindness. (and chocolate.) If anyone else out there shares this day with me, happy birthday to you too. :3