Day 27

  So, there's how many days left of this daily blogging experience? Four. And, just for good measure, my birthday is on the 30th. Meh. It's a day, you know? There will be no wild parties, no FB-worth albums, just a quiet day full of heat, alcohol, and seafood or steak. Or both. I'm all right with that, long as my hair behaves. This heat in the Chi has been a MESS, lately. My 4c tresses are actually getting angry about it. I'm sitting here re-twisting with Aunt Jackie's as we speak.

I wanted to have anecdote or a review for today, but alas I have nothing. Scrolls through Tumblr and the Internet just didn't turn anything up. So, I'm just going to post a video from YouTube that I love.

'Night, lovelies and strangers.