...Are a deadly combination. Designers and true artists weep everywhere. I abuse the crap out of the FX settings. I took one class, watched a few videos, dated an artist, and hahaha....I think I know stuff.
I know nothing. XD
Still, I had to try. I keep doing this every time I get an idea in my head. I need to take more classes. Perhaps, getting a BA in something art and design related? I wish. I'd love to go back Downtown and schmooze with those who truly know. Teach me your ways. o_o
I know nothing. XD
Still, I had to try. I keep doing this every time I get an idea in my head. I need to take more classes. Perhaps, getting a BA in something art and design related? I wish. I'd love to go back Downtown and schmooze with those who truly know. Teach me your ways. o_o
I made this one when Whitney Houston died. (Stop laughing!)