Have you ever reached a point in your life where you're sitting around thinking all is lost? You're frustrated, ticked off, probably ready to throw in the towel. For a naturalista, this could end up going in a lot of different directions. Last resort--going back to the creamy crack! Some of us snap and put heat (I mean extended heat, not just a little bit to dry hair or give it a little curl.) to our heads after vowing never to manipulate the hair pattern again. I think my drama days might just be over.
Praises to the
Kinky-Curly crew for creating the custard and the conditioner. While I still plan to use my other stuff during the colder months, I've found my Summer-time regimen. As my father always says, "this is some kind of wonderful". Where this combo did not work for me as a rake-through product, I've come to find that it's wonderful for my twist out. Not only are my curls still in place after day 4/5, but there is minimal frizz. It's been up in the 80s and my hair is still standing, still bouncing, and hasn't come undone to my usual itch and tug tirade.
Day 3, day of unravel |
If you'll pardon the frightening model (Lord have mercy, acne and a wide face!), you'll see she is happy with her curls, radiantly flaunting 3rd and 4th/5th day hair, and ready to sign on to any campaign addressing her 4b/4c hair sisters. It feels good to be able to toss a million regimens aside and settle for three things:
Peppermint Castille soap, Kinky-Curly Knot Today, and Kinky-Curly Custard. Armed with my usual butterfly clips, a spray bottle for re-wet, and a wide-tooth comb, you're good to go.
Technically 5th day |
Finally, I unraveled my lovely twist-out with the Gloss Pomade. It smells like the Mango Lime Lock and Twist Gel, but lacks the Parabens and wax. It smells good enough to eat, but shines hair and reduces frizz like nobody's biz. We have a winner, ladies and gents. The Kinky-Curly system wins in the twist-out war for this natural lady. If you're on Facebook, you can
Pow-wow with Kinky-Curly here. They also have a
Twitter Page!